
    Infant Sleep Training that Works

    Are you having trouble getting your baby to sleep consistently? Luckily, "The Baby Whisperer" Elle Pollard is here for you. Elle provides unique, customised solutions for parents who are struggling to get their child to sleep.

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    I know exactly what it’s like to have a baby who won’t sleep. As a brand new mum, I was beside myself when my son wouldn’t settle – at all! Aside from the stress of hearing my precious little one constantly cry, I was extremely tired and barely able to get through each day. I also thought I should ‘just know’ how to get my child to sleep and this pressure made things worse — but there is a solution!


    I was frantic to find the answers and received lots of well meaning but often conflicting and confusing advice. I heard all of these terms like drowsy but awake, self settle and catnap but wasn’t sure what they meant and how they were relevant to my situation. I really didn’t know where to turn to make things better.


    I finally found that the answer was in trusting my mama instinct, understanding my baby’s unique sleep style and being consistent with simple strategies that did not seem so simple at the time. 



    The term 'sleep training' puts a bad taste in people's mouths, but it really shouldn't. Sleep training begins the minute your little one enters the world. It’s never too early or too late to help create a rhythm and set a pattern of sleep which is coordinated around feeding times, both during the day and at night. If you are suffering as the result of a baby that won't settle, it might be time for you to reach out to a certified infant sleep trainer.